En Fuego at PCSAfter a relaxing night's rest without A/C units crashing on mr. fancy-college boy, we headed to the PCS parking lot. Thanks again to PCS for allowing us to collect and thanks to the trip leaders and guides. We arrived at the pit and noticed the area reduced in size from reclamation. With the great Pungo and Yorktown material, there was still hope for a nice find. If nothing else, there were lots of shells. RivrDigr struck first with a really nice Pungo mako. Ironically, this same area would secure a bottom of the 9th, 2 out, 0-2 count homerun for the Digr from FL. Check out his other nice Pungo find; congrats!! T$ and DW wandered off to tempt fossil fate on the far hills. Knowing their prowess, I collected between them hoping for a good find. I started in some Yorktown and bagged a nice mako with a slight pathology. The side blade is crinkled adjacent to the root. Some Pungo was mixed in and I saw a nice upper cow poking out. I snapped a photo and luckily was 25.0001 feet from the water's edge. After that, I hit about a two hour dry spell and could feel the April sun beating down on me. Just when the fossil day looked bleak, I saw a tip, then some bourlette between footprints. This was my shot at a superhero score during a Pungo crawl. I got a great ground shot, and went through the usual "please be whole" mantra we all do. Result: a 3" chub in fine shape; my collecting was en fuego just like the pit. After marveling at its beauty and the fact that my BRFC brothers would be proud, I hunted hard for another few hours. I ended up with a few nice makos and tigers. I ran into RivDigr and DW at day's end; DW was slightly melancholy from the lack of vertebrate fossils. RivrDigr, Mr. compassion, presented DW with a marvelous ecphora to enhance his invertebrate collection. We boarded the bus tired and ready for a Mexican feast. DW devoured his meal and the mojo was back; I could tell he was ripe for a GMR score. Later in the evening I was awarded the weekend BRFC collector's award for my chub. Yes, a scallop shell!! I was so honored, but alas, my manly bag could not carry this spineless Yorktown beauty. T$ had racked too so there was no room for it in his bag. RivDigr?? - No, he was traveling by air and the risk was too great for a breakage. It was decided that DW would keep this Miocene marvel and I will have to be content to look at it when I am in Summerville...of course next to his Meg and Angy collection that puts mine to shame!!! What a great hobby, great times and great friends !!!!!!
The adventure continues........
| Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 2072 |
Member | da fossz |
Date Added | 5/4/2007 |
My haul from April BRFC trip. Pretty easy to spot the trip maker. |