A cool river tripIn Florida the winter season is the dry season. It's the time of year when the rivers and creeks are at their lowest. Which means alot of good fossil hunting.
Winter also means cold weather and this weekend was no exception. With the forecast calling for temps in the mid 30's I figured what better time to hop in the river and do some screening. So I gave my friend CC a call, he was up river earlier in the week and found a good gravel bar to work. It ended up not being as cold as we thought that morning in fact I started shedding my layers off in the first hour and by noon I was down to just my wetsuit. We both ended up with alot of teeth and other assorted fossils, I got several nice megs,hemis,tigers and a cool sloth tooth. If your wondering why my picture doesn't show all my teeth, well thats because when we got back to the truck, I left my container of goodies on my bumper. The teeth in the picture are what was left on my bumper when I got home. Luckily I had pocketed the sloth tooth earlier or that would have been down the road also.
| Hardee County, Florida, USA |
ID | 544 |
Member | rivrdigr |
Date Added | 1/7/2006 |