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GMR tooth du jour

It was time again to head up to N.C. for the spring PCS dig. As usual the plan was to go up a day or two early to hit the spoil piles and gmr. Scuba Paul and I both arrived at gmr at almost exactly the same time on Friday, pretty good timing since we are both live about 12 hrs away from gmr in opposite directions. We walked down to the creek to see that it was still high from the previous days rain, so we decided to hit a spoil pile and go to the museum. We got to the spoil pile or whats left of it to see a chain across the entrance and a no trespassing sign. that pretty much ended our collecting day on Friday. The next day I was on my own since scubapaul was at the mine. I went to another spoil pile that wasn't off limits in the morning with not much success. After leaving I figured I would check gmr again to see if the water had gone down. On the way there I almost was going to go back to the hotel and just hang around the pool and get some rest for the next day in the mine, but I didn't come all this way not to try. I got to gmr and took a walk to see the water, it had dropped considerably, so I went back to my truck to throw on a pair of shorts and my river sneakers. Luckily it wasn't to cold out because I forgot my wetsuit. I hopped in the creek ,picked a spot and started sifting, within a couple minutes I got a nice 1-3/4" mako. About 3 screens later the big one flopped in my screen. At first I thought it just a rock, I wasn't expecting something of that size, but there it was. I've found small megs and pieces of big ones but this one was whole and in good shape. The tooth made the trip, the rest of the weekend was gravey...
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added3/3/2007

5-7/8" GMR Meg
the screen shot

1/2011 GMR trip, not exactly kid friendly.
1/2011 GMR trip, not exactly kid friendly.
(Great) White Saturday
(Great) White Saturday
It's been a while... 11/23/10





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