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GMR Redemption

The last time I visited Greensmill Run was in July while down on business and out of the 6 or so hours I had planned spending on the stream, 5 1/4 were rained out. It was my first ever visit to GMR so needless to say, the anticipation to make up lost time was great. I drove down to North Carolina from New Jersey Wednesday night for a business meeting on Thursday then depending on how much time I had afterward, I was going to check on the progress of my house on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning - fossiling afterwards. As it turned out I was able to make it out to Greenville Thursday night and planned on hitting the stream 1st thing Friday morning to hopefully get my first Great White tooth. I was on the stream by 7 AM and after 45 minutes hadn’t found anything noteworthy. As I passed one of the sand/pebble piles that formed under where I washed a couple of screen-loads of gravel, I noticed there were some nice smaller teeth sitting on top. I found a couple of decent S. Kaupi teeth, a nice Cretolamna tooth and the very tip of a Great White tooth which at least broke the ice. I began scanning my “spoil” piles after dumping each screen-load of gravel and while peering down at one particular pile, noticed a larger tooth shaped object sitting nearby, on top of the sand in about 2 ft of water. I reached down to grab it, expecting fully that it would be anything but a nice tooth and there it was - my first complete Great White! It was only about an inch, but complete with some slight wear on the root. My day was made. I continued through the rest of the morning coming up with a couple of large S. Pristodontus teeth, some decent goblin shark teeth and after about 3 hours, my second Great White tooth. This one was slightly larger with an awesome root and a slightly beat-up, but complete blade - the good day was upgraded to very good! I wrapped up my last 5 screens and while walking out decided to try a spot where I had noticed some good looking gravel had accumulated. I washed the first screen-load, which produced a Great White blade, a nice upper mako tooth and an arrowhead! This was my first Indian point and it was a beauty. The area further produced a couple of beat up megs and some worn makos - the very good day went to great! I packed up and headed out to Chocowinity where I would spend the night before heading out to Aurora on Saturday.
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added3/10/2006

Great White material for the day.
Mako teeth from "The Run"

2" Arrowhead
2" Arrowhead
1 1/4" Great White Shark Tooth
1 1/4" Great White Shark Tooth
1 1/8" Great White Shark Tooth
1 1/8" Great White Shark Tooth





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