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Texans Invade the Carolinas

Well, this is a little delayed in being posted, but here is the trip report: This last Thanksgiving, my girlfriend and I decided to invade the Carolinas and get a nice change of pace from our Texas fossil hunting. Sure, we love to hunt out here, but its always nice to find things you don't find at 'home'. So we set off on the long drive from Texas to the Carolinas. We had some pretty good success, and found some nice fossils. I'll post some other trip reports for the other areas, but for now I'll deal with Greens Mill Run. We were in the creek on Thanksgiving day and the water was COLD, especially for our thin Texan blood. But we sifted for a good part of the day and found some very nice things. We had many people walking on the edge of the creek ask us what we were doing, but a few asked if we had found any good ones yet so they obviously knew something about the area. We did find some good ones, which are included in the pictures you'll see. The most noteworthy for me was a cephalic hook that I found that is in immaculate shape, and a Squalicorax bassani. Look for more reports in the future from this trip, as well as from our Texas trips for really unique things.
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added11/24/2005


Cephalic hook
Cephalic hook
Squalicorax bassasni
Squalicorax bassasni
Greens Mill Run Mako
Greens Mill Run Mako





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