the three dog day at Greenmill RunAfter doing the PCS thing on Saturday my buddy (who will remain maneless at this point) and I decided to follow the tracks of our predecessors from the week before. After being verbaly abused by the 3 demon dogs we decided to try down stream.
I left , well nameless sifting in what I thought was a good area and I went for a walk downstream to scope out any fossilbilities. The only good things I saw were 6 turkey, 4 deer and a fox, none were fossilized. By the time I got back nameless had several nice great whites a crow and several nice goodies. So I proceeded to join him. Within a couple hours and only 1 shovel we managed to get some nice teeth. Many are first time teeth , so that made the trip worth while.
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 459 |
Member | rivrdigr |
Date Added | 4/10/2005 |