New Sifter Luck... Tuesday was the day destined for me to make a new sifter. I had been using one of my buddies until I got one. Tuesday seemed as good a day as any. So I got my scrap wood together, got some 1/2’’ wire and zip tied the thing together, put me on a handle, tested it’s floatability and I was ready to get into some muddy water. Problem…I live in central NC. So Wednesday ended up being the day to go jump in GMR.
I brought a newcomer with me to introduce him to my hobby. He started out with nothing for the first hour then his first find was 1½ “ mako. My first finds came in short succession after jumping in, however none were impressive so we headed upstream. Boy am I glad we did. I found my first ever complete Meg coming in at 1.5”. This would not be my only Meg of the day. Shortly after this find I found some fossilized man-made stuff. First up was what I’m assuming to be an ancient marble of some sort? (pic). The other item was a sign, maybe a license plate cover, with Greenville, NC on it. Both of these were nice finds but nothing that excited me as much as McCallisters sweet tea and sandwiches.
Lunch was great, but the finds that came after lunch were even better. I had one memorable screen which produced 4 teeth. Two of then were chunks of Meg and the other two were the smaller usual stuff. In this same area I found another whole Meg of the same size. Instead of this one having serrations and light colored it had the usual wear of the run and looked its age. All in all I had the best day since I have started sifting coming out with approximately 45 whole keepers, good pieces of whale bone, A good pile of broken stuff, and my first meg. I’m assuming my buddy I brought along with me will return as he found out what to look for and ended up with several nice mako’s and about 20 teeth.
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 3415 |
Member | ECUDIscGolf |
Date Added | 7/23/2009 |
my nicest find |
shark vert. |
closeup of the nice stuff. |