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past few months at GMR...

This is to be a quick post as it is my first and introductory one. I am a novice fossil hunter but enjoy it thoroughly. Probably not the most educated on types/species of finds but i have picked up a few in recent months. Hopefully sites like this and meeting folks out in the creeks will foster fossil education for me. Over the past two months I have prolly made about 5 trips out to Green Mill Run. I'm a student at ECU so in the summer Im at home and rarely have chances to get in. My past couple of trips have proven to be very productive. My latest trip was on tuesday and was when I found my largest great white so far measuring 1 3/8" slant with great condition of both root and enamel. This find came in the first 20 minutes of sifting. I was taking this as a good omen for the rest of the day. Well it turns out that good omens do exist...kinda. About an hour later and 200 yards downstream I pulled up an 1 1/2" meg with the usual wear of time. having no serrations and missing enamel with the top left root missing. However it was my first meg so Ill take what I can get. I was in there with a buddy of mine who found what i guestimated ot be about a 2" Mako with no damaged areas. After this I was jealous and wanted to continue. However, we ended up finishing the day up with a couple of rounds of disc golf out at the meadow. between the two of us we found about 100 of the usual small stuff and pieces. All in all it was the best day we had had in a while. I hope to be back down after my vacation and pick up where I left off the other day. Note: the pictures below are of my finds over the past couple of trips. Ill point out the notables from this actual trip report
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added7/2/2009

here is my nicest tooth from GMR.
second nicest...
and on down the line

Quick trip to the creek
Quick trip to the creek
GMR tooth du jour
GMR tooth du jour
Greensmill Run Warmup
Greensmill Run Warmup

Welcome to the club.... - 7/2/2009
Reviewer : brachiomyback from
Total Rating : No Rating
It's always good to see someone who enjoys my other favorite hobby / past time. It would be nice if the park district put 9 baskets along the creek so you can throw some anhyzers in between sifting for Never got out to West Meadow Brook yet... nice course? - Brad
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response to brad... - 7/2/2009
Reviewer : ECUDIscGolf from
Total Rating : 10
Lol yeh I prolly play 4 rounds a week so Im obviously more into dg than fossilizing. But yeh you should def. go out to the meadow. In fact they are taking the course behind the baseball stadium out and moving out of town. Meadow is a great beginner course that got me to where I am today in the sport. If you go to, I did a more extensive review on the course. Good luck and hope to see you in teh creek. ~JP~ Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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Hey - 7/5/2009
Reviewer : MikeDOTB from North Carolina United States
Total Rating : No Rating
Hey great first report! You should take a picture of your GMR collection and post it if you can. Did you get into Aurora this year?
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- 7/5/2009
Reviewer : ECUDIscGolf from
Total Rating : No Rating
Yeh I did get inot Aurora and loved it. I didnt get anything super nice but really enjoyed the atmosphere and learned alot about the hobby, species of teeth etc. I am hoping to get back in in the fall since I will be more educated on the trip... I tried and tried to get pics up here but I think the problem is that I only have a very nice camera so the pics are to big. Either that or the internet is timing out or something. Any help ther would be apreciated.
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