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It’s always good news when the boss gives you another project in Greensville, NC.  I had a couple hours of late afternoon screening at GMR this past Monday.  The fall scenery was beautiful, but all I can say is that I should have brought a rake.  The leaves were dropping and the Run definitely will need a good flushing before spring.

Found a unique looking fossil that looked similar to my only porpoise ear bone which I found previously at GMR.  I concluded that is was most likely my first whale ear bone (tympanic bulla) which I later verified.  Then I found another one about a half hour later which was bigger and in better shape.   My third bulla flopped in my screen about an hour after my first and it was bigger and in better shape than the second one.

Also found my usual haul of belemnites, a couple of busted epiphysis and verts, two mosasaur teeth (with one being my biggest to date) and my first croc tooth (which was really beat up).  The only teeth worth mentioning (if that) was a rootless GW and mako about 1.25”.  I’m still in search of that elusive Meg, but that is what’s so awesome about GMR.  It keeps calling me back because you’ll never know what you’ll find.

I assume the whale ear bones are from the Pliocene epoch.  Wondering if anyone knows what species they most likely are.

I also found a fossil which I think is coprolite; however the piece is segmented and stacked almost like a flattened pine cone.  Any verification or ID is appreciated.



Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added11/12/2008

Tympanic Bullas (ear bones)
Tympanic Bulla (ear bone) of a Whale
Mosasaur & Croc
GW & Mako
Epiphysis & Verts
Coprolite ?

SNAKE!! (Part 2)
SNAKE!! (Part 2)
New Sifter Luck...
New Sifter Luck...

- 11/13/2008
Reviewer : Daryl from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Hey "B-man" you sure find a neat assortment of stuff that I never come across. I tend to find all of the fossil glass, beer cans, and spark plugs. That's an awesome Mosasaur tooth! Daryl. Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree  1 of 1 voters agreed.

Pretty work man!! - 11/14/2008
Reviewer : jfulks from
Total Rating : 10
Excellent "B"!...I live in Newport NC about an hour and a half from Greenville. My e-mail is, maybe i can arrange a trip to Auora this spring Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 





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