Green Mill Run PrimerThe Aurora Fossil Museum Friends weekend hunt #2 was set for March 10th. DW, T$ and myself were able to secure the same day, and a trip to PCS was set. Thanks to PCS and the AFM for the opportunity to collect fossils in such a rich locale.
I met up with the BRFC brethren about 11:30 Friday to allow for a possible hunt in GMR. The traffic cooperated, and after a Mexican feast for lunch we arrived at GMR about 5PM. This gave us about an hour to collect until we got our nightlights out. OK, I am stretching it a little. Hey, at least no one thought about snorkeling!! We headed to our spots and sifted furiously. I bagged a nice mako and then in the stream bed eyed a triangular black shape I thought was a great white. Turned out to be a heart-shaped small meg, a Hubble tooth. Nice!! I worked that spot hard, and managed a nice small crow shark tooth. We all found decent fossils; DW scored a nice pathological crow shark. The wait was on for our trip into the mine.
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 1950 |
Member | da fossz |
Date Added | 4/1/2007 |
My haul from GMR in about an hour. Not too shabby!! |