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First crack at a freshly dug pond

Every so often, I get to be the first to dig at a new spot. Today was one of those days. I set my alarm clock for 6:23 this morning so we could beat the rush of people, but I woke up at 5 and was too wired to go back to sleep. thA duDe got here at 6:45 sharp, and we dropped by T-Money's place to snatch him up. He was looking out the window. We all knew that today would be a glorious day. Brace yourself - the best pond ever, the forbidden pond, was expanded yesterday. They just started digging, and the supervisor of the place gave us a blank check to dig to our hearts' content. We jumped right into the holes, and lo and behold J of the Golden Shovel and Mrs. Of the Golden Shovel were already hard at work flipping up teeth. We ended up diggging for 6 hours, and we pretty much exhausted the entire diggable area. As you can see from the photo, I did very well. But, T-Money stole the show with his 3 complete megs. Yes, I said 3. Its disgusting that one person could have that kind of luck, but hey, he was due. Its only been two weeks since my last meg, and if I found a huge one every time I went out I would get spoiled. I did find a meg today, and in fact, it was the last tooth I found. I was filling in my holes (yes, I fill in my holes so as not to make anyone mad), I flipped up the meg. Apparently, I missed it on the first go 'round. Good thing I'm so nice! My best tooth of the day was a totally steiner 2 1/2" Mako (again, reference the pic). As the day ended, it became evident that I didn't need to get out there at the crack of dawn, but it sure turned out to be a good day anyway.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/26/2002


1 3/8" Sand Tiger tooth
1 3/8" Sand Tiger tooth
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth
1 1/8" Dusky Shark Tooth
1 1/8" Dusky Shark Tooth





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