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Rotator Cuffed!

A couple of weeks ago I got the scoop on when to dig from the jobsite foreman. The kids and I showed up when he said and we had the newly dug area of the pond to ourselves for a few hours. There was some really rich layer there. It was loaded with teeth. After a while a few more people showed up to dig. Then a few more showed up. I dug with a new intensity because with this much competition it would be tough to score a tooth without some investment of effort. I rammed the spade end of my shovel into the hard clay overburden like I had thousands of time before to clear off some new digging area. Then I felt it - a sharp pain in my right shoulder. My power was gone and everytime I tried to muscle the shovel with my right arm I got the same pain. Luckily I have a digging style that isn't too reliant on the right shoulder usually so I was able to complete the day digging. That evening really started feeling the pain. I couldn't even lift my right arm without agony. I am not a fan of agony so I avoided that and other arm motions for the night hoping that the next day would bring relief. I hoped so because there was more digging planned.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/26/2007

Quite a haul for being lamed half-way through the hunt.
This was exciting because among 8 adults and 4 kids, it was the most complete megalodon found all day.

The Lucky Phone Call
The Lucky Phone Call
Some would call it drudgery
Some would call it drudgery
Bike ride turned fossil hunt
Bike ride turned fossil hunt





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