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My boy bags his first meg!

My son has been after me for about a week now to take him to find some teeth, and with my gem yesterday, he was more than excited to try his luck today. I took him by 007 because he's the quantity type of guy, and I figured that was the place for him. There was a little rain last night, so my thought was that it may have pounded out some teeth. nope. Just enough rain to make the sand moist and a pain in the butt to look through, but not enough to really do anything beneficial. That place was a bust. That place is either deluge or drought - nothing in between. Well, we only had one shovel with us, so we had to go buy him one so we could dig. We hit the spot from yesterday, and wouldn't you know that the pond coughed up another meg? Yep, my boy found one of his own - 4 1/4" long and wild lookin. Killer colors and a little worn on the root, but it has a nice feature - bite mark right across the front. When he first saw it, he thought his tooth was just damaged goods, but when I explained it to him, he got his big smile back and kept fondling his new prize. Isn't it great to see someone find their first meg? I did ok - two shamer angys, but today wasn't really about me now, was it?
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added11/24/2001

the boy's first meg - He's so proud!
great color on this tooth

1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth
1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth





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