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Another Land Meg

A couple of weeks ago my wife went out of town and I went crazy. I hunted fossils all day. I went to a good pond that I was hunting and even though it was already finished and full of water, some piles were bulldozed recently and all the rain had been eroding out teeth sporadically. A lot of people knew where the pond was and they were hunting it too, but for some reason I guess I just thought it was worth a visit. 4 days prior we had a heavy rain, so there would undoubtedly be some scraps for me. I pulled up right next to the field and I didn't see any footprints at all. I couldn't believe it! Each step was on unsearched earth. My hunt culminated in a megalodon tooth nearly half exposed. I couldn't believe it had been in plain sight for 4 days and no one had picked it up. Its ALWAYS worth looking for teeth!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/11/2007


Summerville Land Megalodon
Summerville Land Megalodon





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