The Fossil Hunting ReferendumElection day was nasty! The rain pounded all day and a cool breeze blew making any outside effort a miserable engagement. Any outside effort except for fossil hunting, that is. An eager weezling jumped at the opportunity to go out and perform our favorite civic duty - pick up teeth in the rain. Away we two went donning rain coats and rubber boots. We walked field after field, pond after pond relieving them of their fossiliferous material. Most of the fossils were broken until we came to our final hunting ground, a fresh dig. We skirted the edges, peeling off tooth after tooth. On the far side of the pond, I found two really nice angustidens in close proximity, including one terrific black specimen with a grey root – really pretty. The rain still fell as we slipped in the mud. Much of the side of the pond was obscured by water pouring down the bank, but there was a good quantity of material still exposed from rain that had fallen during the day. We had as much as we could handle and we made our way back to the truck. The weezling’s pants were so muddy that they fell completely down three times during our walk. He would stop and we shared a laugh because he was standing in the middle of the field in a ninja turtle raincoat and his boxers with muddy pants around his even muddier boots. But even though his pants kept falling down, his fossils were safely stowed in his apron-pockets which were quite able to bear the burden of both shark teeth and caked on earth. After the application of much dihydrogen monoxide, we went out and performed our other civic duty.
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 709 |
Member | dw |
Date Added | 11/7/2006 |
It takes a pretty decent rainfall to wash out this many teeth! |