So Were the Plans of Mice and MenIt has been a while since I gazed upon serrated enamel just waiting to be plucked out of its resting place. This weekend was sure to be grand; LaFarge and diggin’ with DW. And so were plans of mice and men. The weather was sunny, dry and warm; a typical October day in SC. I arrived at LaFarge around 7:30 to find that the primo green cap was being covered by topsoil. As I peered around the pit, I saw a new area of limestone/green cap mixture. However, there were about 30 people on it !! I strolled over to the area and walked the area in about 30 minutes, picking a few small teeth. I tried digging for about 2.5 hours and came up with one tooth. Digging in the GC is like the Chandler Bridge; the pickins can be slim, but paydirt can be sweet. I did see a few nice Rics, but none in my bag. About 1PM DW called me up for some diggin’. The PhatBoyz from the Potomac River area joined us in their debut SC hunt with BRFC. We dug in a temporary drainage ditch and retention pond. The layer promising and visions of Megs and Angys appeared in my head. And so were the plans of mice and men. I found a few shamer Megs, and one nice small mako. I decided to call it a day after 8 hours of fossil hunting. The PhatBoyz joined us for a Mexican feast, and then we parted for the evening to rest. Next day we decided to sift. We went one my favorite spots and scored some nice angys, makos and hemis. The rains hit pretty hard, but we kept siftin’. I pulled out a nice 2.5” angy with a little feeding damage, and then bagged a beaut of a whale incisor. The day (weekend) was finally made!! About thirty minutes later, a few flashes of lightening put an end to our collecting trip. Luckily, I think there are more fossils to be had!!
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 704 |
Member | da fossz |
Date Added | 10/21/2006 |
LaFarge's goods at the lower left.
Diggin with DW the balance. |
The sifting haul. |