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First to hunt teeth after the deluge

I'm really trying to catch up with my old posts. I have a pile of them, and my hunting isn't slowing down. This one is from way back in May, and there has been some amazing finds since them that I really need to get on the site! Anyway, the night before this hunt we had a thunderstorm unlike few other. Several inches of rain fell within an hour. There were power outages everywhere, downed trees, etc. It was a real mess unless you're a fossil hunter with a place to hunt. There had been digging, piling, and flattening all week long so there was a huge area that would be covered with fossils. I arrived early, knowing full well that no one would be working because the equipment would get stuck. From the minute I started looking until 5 hours later, my head was pointing downward. I bent down to pick something up seemingly every few seconds. I got quite a sunburn on the back of my neck! I found so much that I had to empty my pockets midway through the hunt. What a fun day!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added8/20/2006

What a huge haul of teeth!
A nice looking shot of a tooth on a pedestal.
When I saw this tooth barely exposed in the chandler bridge, I was EXCITED. Unfortunately, the shark broke this tooth 28 million years ago. SHAMER HALL OF FAMER!

Multicolored megalodon tooth
Multicolored megalodon tooth





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