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A BRF Kid's Day

I caught wind that XiphoDan and his daughter where heading down to SC to celebrate the completion of the move. Evidently, after moving boxes X-Dan thought he would relax by performing backbreaking fossilin’. Sweeet. Well, I had promised the FossZ-Boyz a fossil hunting trip, so we packed up Saturday morning for the Lowcountry. DW and the WeeZeling were also there and the first unofficial BRFC kids day was on. We sifted some at an old ditch and dug some, with the best tooth being a nice rear from DW. We next hit ditch #2 where the boys wandered off to fight windmills and rest of the crew dug and sifted. My first shovel-full produced my best find of the day…a ¾ inch squalodon tooth. I managed a nice hemi too. X-Dan’s daughter took the prize; her first SC angy, and it was a beaut. This only created a hunger that a Mexican feast could satisfy. After lunch, my crew and X-Dan’s crew headed to Orange creek. We picked up some nice makos, and X-Dan’s was about perfect. I dug for about an hour searching for a Meg, but not today. We all left tired but happy.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added7/8/2006

The Kids day haul.

3/4 Inch Squalodon tooth
3/4 Inch Squalodon tooth





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