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Busted... Almost!

This is another post that happened a while ago, but it was an awesome day that I won't forget. We arrived at the pond (RIP) to see a huge area of new excavation. Even better, the heavy machinery had left the bulk of the layer in place while removing all the overburden. Literally, all we had to do was poke a screwdriver in to flip out the rocks and separate them from the soft white sand. But of course, we were armed with shovels. And the best part was we were in the middle of the pond! We could dig to our heart's content and not mess anything up. And there was a gigantic field of layer. We arrived about 3 hours before sunset and withing 20 minutes of a frenzy of activity, we were greeted by a guy dressed in khakis standing at the top of the pond. He said we had to leave. UGH!!!! I talked to him for a few minutes, and it turns out that some equipment was stolen the night before and they were throwing out everyone they saw. I finally convinced him that I wasn't the perpetrator of the misdeed, and he agreed to let us stay for the evening. I also got his cell # so I could call the next day to get formal permission to come out there. All I needed to hear was that we could continue the dig that evening. I was thrilled! Both kids and I dove back into the hunt. About an hour in, I flipped out the prize megalodon. I looked at it and just saw a grey tooth with black root. nice, I thought. Then, I found another smaller complete, megalodon right next to it. You may notice it isn't in the family photo below - I'll tell you what happened to it next post. Anyway, darkness finally fell. Neither of the kids found anything great, and both asked repeatedly, "Can I have the big meg?", to which I would quickly and monotonously reply "No." After all, I'm in it for the teeth!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/7/2006


Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth
Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth





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