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Another makeup post - from a good day at the pond

I rolled on the new pond after a day of very active digging. The heavy equipment just scratched the surface of the layer in a very large area. Far to much for me to dig in a measly two hours. So I went into earth moving mode and started peeling back the layer. 45 minutes and only a few broken teeth later, I stood up to take a breather. I couldn't believe that I hadn't found anything good in an area as big as I had already dug. I walked about 5 feet from where I was so I could scope the layer there. Just laying there in the open was a nice little megalodon tooth. It has a little peel on the flat side, but who cares? That's the flat side - The front side looks great! I love the quick trip. Its focused fury. I dig as hard as I can to move as much ground as I can in as little time as possible. The workout is great. And who ever found a megalodon tooth at the gym?
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added5/20/2006


Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth
Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth





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