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A promising new Summerville spot

I was just sitting there minding my business, being a productive member of society. I was doing my job like everyone else. Then the phone rang. It was a voice I new. He only calls with good news. "They busted a new hole in the ground over here. Looks promising." From that point on, I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't write a lick of code with thoughts of an open pit. I quickly wrapped up what I was working on and scooped up tha weEzlinG for a much needed break. We arrived onsite a mere 9 minutes later, and we were both so excited to go that we nearly fell out of the truck in anticipation. We dug and dug. Well, I dug, he climbed up and down the hills in between getting stuck in the mud. After several hours of eyes in the back of my head digging frenzy, our benefactor left. He had a couple of nice teeth from the spot, including one 5 inch + megalodon. It was dirty when he left, but man it looked sweet. Having been dissed of late by Summerville digging, I kept the faith and dug until my arms were noodles, incapable of hefting the mighty devastator a single time more. I didn't have the giant I hoped for, but I had a little megalodon that was complete. It was enough. I now have the sickness once again. This place will know no respite until its edges are sloped and grassed in finality.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added4/13/2006


Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth
Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth





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