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Another killer day - 2 Megs!

I have just had super fortune lately. My son and I went walking at this construction site, and apparently it rained pretty heavily because the teeth were just lying everywhere. The finds of the day were the two megs in the first photo. The first one is a nice 4 1/4" lower tooth. The root is really thick, the bourlette is nearly complete, and there are even some serrations. The root is killer. The next tooth is a truly bizarre specimen - a pathologic meg. It grew all messed up in the shark's mouth, and now its fossilized. IN the bottom photo, you can see the wavy edges. Its the first tooth like this I have ever found.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/21/2001

This is an awesome pathologic meg. It’s the first patho meg I ever found. I SO wish the rest of the tip was there.
This is a view of the tip.

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
The Jem
The Jem
That was a short dry streak
That was a short dry streak





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