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Exploring the Hood

Well, the move is over and it was time to get out and explore the new neighborhood fossil style. At the back of my new digs I saw a big creek, and it was first on my list of spots to explore. It was complete backfilled and the bottom was mucked up so I didn't find anything in the big creek, but I did end up coming across a small feeder creek that was loaded with layer. I dug a little, but the ground was so hard that I quickly gave up and began shoveling up rocks from the bottom to see if there were any teeth. I found a few, but after an hour I hadn't found anything worthwhile so I decided to call it a day and go home. Almost to my truck, I took one more shovel full and flipped out a piece of coral. Usually I leave that stuff where I find it, but this piece was really detailed and nearly complete so I picked it up. It ended up being the only good thing I found all day! The hood is big, so I'm sure there are more ditches around just begging for a weEziL like me.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added4/30/2005


Fossil Coral
Fossil Coral





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