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My best day digging EVER

This morning, I went to a couple of places. First, I checked out the pond where I found the Meg last week, but the developers dozed it all over, and since it hasn't rained lately, it was really pointless to look there. So I headed off to this little ditch near the pond and scoped it out. It looked pretty good, plus it was shaded, so I plan on going back there sometime to do some serious digging. But not today. Last week I planned on going to the old creek, but I didn't go because I found the new pond, so I swore today I would go. Last month when I went there, I started digging in a promising hole. A few nice meg chunks with the promise of more to be found. I had to go back and finish it up before it got all hole snatched. I dug for 2 hours and found nothing but fragments. I went home with my head held low. Then, I was laying around, all bored, and my wife told me to go out and do some more digging before dark. I am SO glad I listened to her. I drove out to the bug infested, dank mud hole in hopes of coming away with a few decent colored teeth. The very first shovel full, I dug up the monster you see below. From then on out, it didn't matter what else I found. My day had been made. I can't wait to go back there!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/8/2000


6 1/8" Megalodon Tooth
6 1/8" Megalodon Tooth





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