Dig and they will come Hey guys its been awhile since my last report I had a new daughter born 8/20/09 and she was a month early she spent the next two weeks in the NIC unit at MCG in Augusta G.A she was born at 1:00 A.M and her weight was 4 punds 7 ounces. I am glade to say she is at home now and doing great almost 7 pounds now. I have not been able to geet to the low-country to hunt any fossil's and it is sicken to not get to hunt any this summer but only one time but as luck has it I meet a old friend who stopped by my house to see the baby and he saw all my shark teeth and other fossil's and he asked did I ever look for arrowheads that on his property down the street only 5 min away he finds points and other stuff and I was welcome to hunt anytime. Well the last two weeks has allowed me two get out 3 times with all this as a result the biggest point is 4 inches, and was able to find some potery, drills, paint pot, grinding stone, and alot of scrappers, the scrappers are a big as your hand. I have found the place that I will be hunting this winter until I can get back out hunting faossil's agian.
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 3505 |
Member | sharkdentist |
Date Added | 9/29/2009 |