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The new pond is gone - good thing I have 23 more buckets of dirt to sift

We had a hefty amount of rain this last weekend, and it pretty much did in the pond I've been hunting lately. In preparation for this event, however, I have been stockpiling the dirt on my many visits. I have roughly the equivalent of 24 five-gallon buckets of unsearched stuff, and this is about half a bucket worth of fossils, believe it or not! Actually, the 3 larger teeth on the right came from my last trip out there last Saturday, but since it was all broken, I figured I would wait until I found some good stuff in my buckets. My favorite find in this batch is without a doubt the squalodon molar. Its totally sweet and 97% complete. I got the dirt from the same place in the pond where I found the killer incisor a couple trips ago. They are probably associated. On top of that, m4 found a squamosal from that same area, and Indiana has found several whale teeth, too. In retrospect, it sort of makes me wonder if I should have dug a little deeper in that spot. But hey, coulda, shoulda, woulda, you know. Back to the buckets - the next killer find was the upper ray plate. I've seen a ton of ray teeth in this stuff, but this is the first complete one. Then another ray fossil turned up - a dermal scute. Going through this stuff is too fun! I'm on the hunt now for a nurse shark tooth in it - I would be very lucky to find even one in the entire remainer of my buckets, though. In SC, those things are scarce like you wouldn't believe! If I find one, though, you'll be the first to know ;-)
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/29/2004

Every fossil but the three broken larger teeth on the right came from half a bucket of the richest Chandler Bridge I've ever seen.

1/8" Shark Denticle
1/8" Shark Denticle
1 1/16" Squalodon Molar
1 1/16" Squalodon Molar
1 1/4" Ray Plate
1 1/4" Ray Plate
1/4" Ray Dermal Scute
1/4" Ray Dermal Scute





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