The Big Countdown is Killing Us!The weezil clan is going crazy with the fossil hunting lately. We're hitting old spots and having a great time, even though the finds aren't the best. We are really excited lately because we heard a rumor that a good new fossil hunting location is going to open up in the near future and the only way to pass the time is to hunt. It was an overcast day and it was hard to see into the water but megamouth and I still managed to do pretty well. The two right teeth on the top row of the photo came from a nearby location, but they are not in the video because the mosquitos were so awful that we had to swat them with both hands to maintain circulatory fortitude in order to climb the banks of the ditch when we were done hunting. Next time we hit that spot, we'll be better prepared for the onslaught.
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 3414 |
Member | dw |
Date Added | 7/19/2009 |