A Cold Hunt at Lafarge...It was time to hunt Lafarge again...and it just happened to probably be one of the coldest days this winter. 21 degrees and I was fossil hunting... Well I wasn't alone...quite a few fossil hunters showed up. The Lafarge escorts split us up before departing into the mine."You can either go up or down" I decided since I went up last time that I was trying the other side down in the pit. Turns out that is where the majority of hunters went. The hunt was on moments later and we hit the hillside along the cliffs. The search area in the pit was freshly deposited and it hadn't had a chance to rain a lot which made the teeth hard to find(not good news). I then started scanning the clay(frozen of course) along the bottom of the cliff along with other hunters. Well as luck would have it.. about ten minutes into the hunt I spotted a huge 2-5/8ths inch Benedini laying out in the open almost fully exposed !!! This is a very rare tooth to find anywhere and especially in the Eocene material at Lafarge and at this size almost impossible. I shouted out "I got one" and started taking the ground shot. I looked up and saw sharkdentist next to me checking out the tooth..."Nice to meet ya !" The hunt continued and I found a few more teeth, but of course this ended up being my best find of the day. I had a good time as I always do and it was nice to finally meet everybody. Thanks again to Lafarge for making the hunts possible.
| Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 3185 |
Member | Greg |
Date Added | 1/18/2009 |
2-5/8ths inch Benedini (the ground shot) |
2-5/8ths inch Benedini |