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Lafarge Mud Pit

Sorry it took so long for me to get this post up but it’s better late then never. 

The day started off with us getting to the mine about 45 min before going in saying to ourselves that it was going to be a mud pit in there with all the rain that we were getting.  Then we were off.....we were one of the first few cars in and we hurried up to get out there just to wait for 45 min or so until we could see what we were looking at because the overcast sky made it impossible for the sun to come out.  But when it lightened up some we were off.  I thought with all the rain that we had from that night that we might end up hitting it off good.  I was wrong....2 hours gone by without finding anything worth talking about.  We almost decided to call it, but we fought it out and kept on looking.  Then I found my first decent tooth.  1 3/8" Archaeocete canine.  After that I was happy enough that we could have left.  But the hunt went on.  About another hour goes by and I found the Ric.  I was definitely ready to go and find some place warm and dry after that.  So we decided to call it a day and headed off back to the car.  Then my wife said I found something and I don’t know what it is.  So I walked over to her and when I saw it I was shocked.  It was a half of a shamer Archaeocete molar.  I wish it was whole.  After that we headed out to hunt in Summerville for a little while before heading home but didn’t find too much.  Maybe the next trip down when the Edisto is a lower.  Until next time......Good Luck Hunting!!!!


Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added10/26/2008


1" Inch Auriculatus from Lafarge
1" Inch Auriculatus from Lafarge
1 3/8" Lafarge Archaeocete canine
1 3/8" Lafarge Archaeocete canine





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