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Mr. October

I fell asleep Friday to a steady rain, so my hopes were high for a good collecting trip. There was a flurry of activity at the sign-in trailer the next morning at LaFarge since a large number of collectors were at the mine. I wasn't skeered, though. DW hitched a ride into the pit with me, and the vastness of the collecting area left our jaws agape. We philosophized over the correct pronunciation of Miocene mega-tooth sharks during the short ride in. DW left me bedazzled with his skillful linguistics. Off to races...we skidded down the old piles, and I leap-frogged across Muck Creek to the collecting area. T$ was not so lucky, as I heard DW chuckle at his misfortunate spill. The young T$ got over it, because laughter is the best medicine. I hit the Eocene deposits hard, but not much luck. After about two hours, I hit the newer section. Despite all the footprints, I found my best stuff here. I snatched a large Rostral tooth, followed by a nice Eocene Mako. I was shooting the bull with another collector, and spotted an exposed Archaeocete premolar. I knew it was not whole, but they are scarce to find. Another tooth, a large canine, was swiped by a collector about 10 feet from me. Probably the same whale. The mining has continued in an area with thicker greencap as well as a riverbed deposit. Quite a bit of nice material is being uncovered. I met up with the other BRFC boys, and we exchanged pleasantries and left the mine. Another fun collecting day!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added10/18/2003


3/4" Eocene Mako Shark Tooth
3/4" Eocene Mako Shark Tooth
3 1/8" Sawfish Rostral Tooth
3 1/8" Sawfish Rostral Tooth





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