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Deceptively Bad

As soon as I got off work, I was on the way to this new place that the crazy canuck told me about. It had been several days since rain, but there were new, unexplored piles everywhere. I walked all to my right, and most were devoid of fossils and layer. Just as I finally hit an area with potential, a wicked thunderstorm started blowing in. I tried to ignore it, but it kept bearing down. Finally, I smelled the smell and I made a mad dash for the truck. There's a smell that goes with a summer thunderstorm and it was there in force. I jumped ditches, skidded across mud flats, etc. I closed the gap to my truck as I watched a wall of rain approaching at an alarming rate. I fumbled my keys a bit, opened the door and closed it as the first drops hit my arm. WHEW! I went home, waited out the storm, headed back out, and scooped up Indiana. The rain had blasted the field and everything was new. I decided to take a slightly different route the previous trip. This one was AWESOME! Layer everywhere. Coating every inch of the hills. You know what's wierd, though? There were hardly any teeth. I talked to this track hoe driver earlier and he said that they hadn't found too much out there. At the end of the day, we did ok. I ended up finding a shamer white meg peeled down the center. Oh well, it was fun. I probably should have been going out to this place a lot earlier than I did. I just can't believe there is that much layer and no fossils.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/10/2003

what a shame on the meg!

The tooth gods smiled upon me
The tooth gods smiled upon me
The tooth gods smiled upon me
The tooth gods smiled upon me
My boy bags his first meg!
My boy bags his first meg!





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