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The Post of Christmas Present

Today as I was cleaning the fossils from my latest shark tooth hunt at the yellow ditch, I looked upon the masses of teeth with whimsy and I wondered what it would be like if I weren't there to pick them up?

Only briefly could I bear to think of the sadness of these rocks with no one to appreciate them as they sat and slowly weathered away to nothingness in the dingy recesses of the creek. Rampant pollution of the waterway and prolonged exposure to the toxins caused terrible, irreversible staining and subsequent shunning by all the other less pointy rocks with stain resistant algae blankets. Sadly, there was no soft, warm riker mount for the family of associated angustidens... Regrettably, the articulated skeleton of an undescribed oligocene whale slowly flaked away, back to the earthly grave from whence it came...

I quickly awoke from the egg nogg induced hallucination and realized that someone... I was there a few days ago, patrolling the ditch.  Future fossils will be safe and photographed for all to see. These teeth won't go unappreciated! What a time to be alive...

 Thanks for coming to the site and sharing our occasional delusions and fossil hunting adventures. May 2008 bring us all mining permits, fresh excavations, unexplored beaches, and secret ditches to satisfy our collective drive to horde the remains of long dead monsters.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody!

Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added12/22/2007

All those chunks along the bottom are pieces of a mastodon tooth.

Retroflexus tooth
Retroflexus tooth





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