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The Payoff of Perserverance

It has been a while since hunting has been this sparse. The construction that I relied on for so long to dig deep holes for me is gone to areas where the fossils are deep or non existant. I have been relying on old spots to bring satiety to my hunting drive. Usually, the digs are more of a workout than actual fossil digs, but I knew that eventually my persistence would pay off and today it finally did. I hit a pocket of thick gravel when I spied the big blade of a megalodon. I carefully scraped the dirt away to take a ground shot, but my hopes were dashed when I found the tooth to be broken. Just an inch away, I pulled out a nearly perfect angustidens with all the sweet color I have been seeing on the broken teeth. Its nice to finally come home with something worth all the hard work!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added11/25/2007

It took 4 days worth of digging to find these fossils.
The weezling worked the sifter one day while I was in the bottom of the hole. He doesn't like this place because he wants to dig and the layer is almost deeper than he is tall.

Colorful Summerville Angustidens
Colorful Summerville Angustidens





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