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The short day

Today the whole gang got together for a little holiday foray into the world of fossils. Years ago, da f0ssZ used to score teeth in this creek, and today he wanted to revisit. We went in where he used to, and we dug around for about an hour with no luck, so we decided to go somewhere else. Since I did so well at the office ditch last week, that was our target. We always start off with such enthusiasm, but after about 2 hours no one found anything good and we decided to call it quits. 2 spots with nothing good was a bad omen. Defeated though we were, somehow, we found the energy to go to Taco Bell. It was such a great meal that we thought about going back out, but our sense of reason got the better of us. There will be other days soon, and we'll find something then. The next 2 days will be fossil free, but Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - OH BOY!

Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added12/23/2002

The little meg in the picture was the best find of the day, but really, its not that great, either. What you see in the photo is the back of the tooth, because the front has no enamel.

I could have had a V8
I could have had a V8
A walk through the neighborhood
A walk through the neighborhood
6/24/2006 Fossil Hunting trip to Dorchester County, SC
6/24/2006 Fossil Hunting trip to Dorchester County, SC





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