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déjà vu

Last Wednesday and Thursday afternoons we had serious rain storms right as I got off work, and this week was a repeat performance. How odd! I'm not complaining or anything, I just think its weird. Anyway, I scored some more nice teeth from the edge of the pond. They were so adamant about no one digging up their pond once they had graded it, but now its seriously eroded from all the rain. They're going to have to grade it all over again before they grass it now. I don't care though, because the minute they grade it, it will get better for collecting again :-) Really, I'm surprised that they haven't planted grass yet to stop the erosion. I guess it turns out that the mud nazi isn't that smart after all, is he? Well, I was there first today, and I made it half way around the pond before anyone else showed up. I can't say I cleared it out, though, because I only had an hour. thA duDE showed up right as I left though, and he finished the job. Its nice to keep the teeth in the family. Monday I'm heading off to the river to see if I can find some spots to sift. Wish me luck!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added8/1/2002


1 1/4" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth
1 1/4" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth
1 11/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth
1 11/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth





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