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Something new from a lousy spot

The other day, I ran into these guys at lunch and I asked them if I could walk the piles for teeth. The lead guy says no, but only because of liability reasons. But he said that I could go out on weekends, and it would be ok. So I make plans for the weekend. Da f0ssZ is coming down, thA duDe, T-moNey. Its gonna be a diggin party. WELL! We showed up at 8 and started digging. Within 10 minutes this fat slob rides up and yells "Alright! EVERYONE out of the pond!" This guy was there when the head dude gave me permission to hunt. I said something about it, and he denied ever speaking to me. His liquad grain storage unit told the story of why he couldn't remember. Anyway, we left and went to the publix swamp to see if we could find anything. First off, the pond was finished, but the layer was under the bottom, so we did some digging there for a little bit. Absolutely nothing. We decided to call it a day and head home rather than waste the whole day digging where there is no teeth. My saint of a wife told me I could go back out after dinner, so IT WAS ON! Knowing that fat, red-neck alcoholics usually don't fare too well in the hot sun, we decided to try the pond next to the forbidden again. We beat on it for two hours but didn't really find anything. I did come away with a Tapir tooth, though, so I can't complain. Its only the second one I've ever found. Pleistocene stuff is really hard to come by digging here. I'm amazed to find anything at all in this cruddy spot. I think I'm gonna call it the crapper. I had another suggestion, but I wouldn't want to offend any of you out there.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added5/25/2002


1 1/8" Tapir Molar
1 1/8" Tapir Molar





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