February 22, 2025  
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PEACE RIVER 02/03/08

We went to the Brownville county park to launch our canoe and to check out where we will be for a few days camping during spring break.  I have been told that this area had been hunted heavy due to the fact that you dont even need a boat to get to the fossil bed.  They were right.  We found numerous small broken teeth, and tons of broken bone sections.  My older son had brought a friend who has collected up north and was having a ball with all the finds that we were giving back to the river.  Half way during the day, due to the clear water, my son saw a section of a Meg in the side wall of a deep hole I was digging.  If it was complete it would of been a nice 2" Meg tooth.  With all the digging that has been done here, I was surprised to find such a tooth.  It made me think that all it take is luck.  After lunch we collected hard and my sons friend went home with some real nice small teeth and 2 sections of broken Megs and a ton of bone sections.  We brought back about 20 small teeth and the "lucky" Meg, as we now call her. 

The water level is at historic lows.  Crystal clear and cool.  With the days temp at 80 it was just a great Feburary day for fossil hunting. 

Good luck and be safe.

Curt V.

Location Desoto County, Florida, USA

Date Added2/4/2008

The lucky little Meg.
Some of the samples of the small teeth that we found.






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