I love Rain!The past month or so we have been pounded with heavy rain storms and we all know what that means.... I have 2 spots I check for teeth after every rain storm. The first spot I stopped at just after one of those heavy rains and I didnt have my boots, but im greedy so I went for a walk in the mud with my good shoes on. It was worth it, because I found a couple nice Ptychodus teeth, and a Mossasaur tooth, but the tip was broke off  The next day after the Texas heat dried out the ground I hit my favorite spot. Only problem is that someone hit it the weekend before and found a bunch of nice teeth. but the rains had fallen since and I figured I'd give it a shot. I think the temp was around 97 degrees that afternoon and I was roasting. I stumbled up a mound and there it was, a Cretoxyrhina Mantelli tooth, just displayed on edge, and I could have kicked myself because It would have been a great ground shot, but no camera. It turned out to be 1.25 inches slant, but the tip had feeding damage. I found a few nice Ptychodus, most still in the matrix.
| Dallas County, Texas, USA |
ID | 2820 |
Member | jax |
Date Added | 5/22/2008 |
First stop |
Second stop |