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Edisto Odie - BRFC Bench Player

Last weekend was FossZette’s and my anniversary day. We like to exchange thoughtful presents to each other; I gave her a nice spa treatment and she gave me a fossil pass good for one full day of collecting. I decided to give the Edisto a try since the rains have let up some over the past week or so. I called up DW, and he informed that he had been placed on the BRFC injured list from a non-paleo related eye ailment. I asked my work buddy Odie to join me and the river rat that he is obliged. We met at the river about 9AM to find the water moving at a pretty good pace and the river was also silty. Being a river veteran, Odie informed me the outgoing tide was increasing the current that day. After we geared up, I swam into some nice gravel beds and realized I was about 6 inches from the bottom to see anything. I drifted down river about 25 yards and looked through the rocks piled up in the limestone cut-outs. I picked up a few small teeth and then a shamer angy. As I closed my bag and looked up, I was greeted by a large flathead catfish. MMMMMMMMM, catfish and grits I thought; but he swam off before I could bag him. Back to fossilin’. The second dive was about the same; except this time I searched the chandler bridge on the river bottom a little more closely and picked up two nice smaller angys. The vis got a little better, but I would say the most I could see was 1 foot. It was a pretty tough day diving, so I was happy when I laid out my goods at home.
Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added9/10/2005

Pretty good haul for a tough dive.

Pair of Edisto Angys
Pair of Edisto Angys





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