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Mo’ Money

A BRFC first occurred this weekend…T$ called me up to see if I was up for some fossilin’ over the weekend. With the river still low, how could I resist?? DW would be absent on this trip as he was retrieving prized minerals from the mountains of NC. T$ arrived with his posse’ of T$ family members around 11AM. I guess he was picking out his Hello Kitty gear. Meanwhile, I was beginning a decent day in the river around 10AM. When T$ and his crew arrived I had bagged a sweet little squalodon double-rooter. I fanned the Chandler Bridge for a few hours searching for the elusive killer angy but no dice. We headed up river to hit some un-fanned gravel beds and I found a nice pocket of large teeth. No super-heroes, but a bag-filler with some complete teeth. Near the end of my hunt I managed a decent squalodon incisor for the Oligocene whale deuce. T$ showed his fine wares as well; all in all it was another great day collecting.

Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added9/4/2007

Another great haul from the Edisto. Lots of whole teeth on this trip, and two nice Squalodon sp. teeth.

Fosszlin with Da Fossz
Fosszlin with Da Fossz
Pair of Squalodon teeth
Pair of Squalodon teeth





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