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Edisto River Road Trip.

I decided it was time to make the 8 hour drive to the Edisto to see if I could find any of the nice Oligocene teeth I have been seeing and hearing about for the last 15 years or so. I had no idea where to find the boat ramps along the river so I asked DW if he could point me in the right direction. He gave me the location of one ramp and so I began my journey with full tanks and high hopes. The trip began around 1 AM on Thursday the 9th, and I drove for several hours through the worst thunderstorm we have had in this area in a long time. When I finally pulled up to the boat ramp on the Edisto I was looking forward to launching my boat and scoring some fossils. The river was clear, not moving, and not deep enough to swim in, nevermind launching a boat there. I thought about snorkeling for fossils but the bottom was nothing but deep sand. I was not about to make an all night trip for nothing and luckily a nice gentleman at a bait store gave me the location of a ramp  that was actually deep enough for my boat. When I finally launched the boat I headed down river while my depth finder read 3 to 7 feet of water over deep sand for well over a mile. I finally found a spot about 20 feet deep that had a rock/bone bed and more importantly, teeth. Unfortunately there weren't any Oligocene teeth. There was only time for two dives before the tide changed and it looked like a storm was moving in. It was not the best fossiling trip I have ever been on, but it wasn't the worst either. At least I found a few decent teeth and a broken arrowhead.

Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added8/14/2007


October 29 Dive Trip
October 29 Dive Trip
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