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The POS earns its name

Having only found broken stuff in the river, I felt like I needed to try again. Indiana, tha duDe, and I all went out to Top Secret. Even though we had just gone there the day before, I still thought I should walk a few places that we have neglected lately. Tha duDe went straight for the pit. I wasn't far behind, though, because there were reasons we have been neglecting those other spots, if you know what I'm saying ;-) We both were digging like fools, but it was just so hot, and we were already tired from diving that morning. After an hour, I was ready to split even though I hadn't found anything yet. I couldn't let myself be beaten like that, though! 3 straight fossil hunts without anything good?? I caught my second wind and continued to dig just a little more. And there it was - a little 3" meg that fit the bill. It was a little beauty, too! The root was there, all the enamel was there, the tip was there, the serrations were there. Cherry! It was still dark from the moisture, but I knew that because of the layer it came out of, it would be awesome when it dried. Tha duDe found a nice little mako, and we were both happy with the final outcome of the day. We dined at Taco Bell in satisfaction.
Location Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added7/12/2003

Great colors on all these, but especially on the inter-vertebral disk.

3 3/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth
3 3/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth





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