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My Brother the Oracle

We had high hopes today out at Top Secret. After our good luck last week, why wouldn't we? Unlike last week, though, the gate was locked and we had to walk. It didn't matter, though, because we would have walked much further for the quality of teeth that this place is churning out lately. t$, tha duDe, tha boy, and I excitedly crossed the barren hills en route to the productive hunting sites. The area was just like we left it last week. No new footprints, no new dig marks, and sadly, no rain either. We were gonna have to dig to find anything good. Everyone except t$ was digging right away. Instead, he was scanning the piles of layer for teeth we might have missed last week. And he actually found a few nice ones, too, including a killer 2 inch angustidens. None of us was really having any luck digging, except for the occasional broken tooth and bone fragment. t$ was right next to me, and he said he hadn't found a tooth over 3 inches since last year at the forbidden. That's a long time to go without finding a big tooth, especially as hard as he digs. Then, like literally 30 seconds later, he pulled out a gorgeous 3 5/8" white meg. It was awesome, man. From that point on, he was relaxed because he didn't care if he found anything else. tha boy found a killer horse tooth next. It was almost completely intact and had great colors. Not bad for a 10 year old! We all moved all over the place spot digging. There's layer everywhere, so really its just a matter of luck finding the spot where the big teeth are. I finally hit paydirt with a fantasticly colored meg. Good thing I was careful digging it out, because it has numerous cracks in the root that I'll have to stabilize. If I had been even the slightest bit hasty or careless in its removal, it would have crumbled before my eyes. But, I got it all and I was happy. Everyone came over to dig by me after that :-) It was getting late, and we were all getting hungry, so we set a departure time. tha duDe kicked it into high gear because he still hadn't found anything great. t$ and I started moving around hoping for the fluke tooth. You know, that's the one you find because you just happen to stick your shovel in at the right spot. Just then, tha duDe's figurative eyes rolled back in his head and he went into a trance of prognostication. To t$ he said, "I see it now - you're gonna find an awesome, serrated meg before we go with slight feeding damage." Mere minutes later, we hear t$ shout some obsceneties as we all rushed over to either see the size of the snake that just bit him or the size of the meg he just found. True to tha duDe's prediction, t$ was nervously scraping the mud from a killer olive green, serrated 5" meg. It had no feeding damage, but there was a small strip of enamel peel. As visions of the future are often clouded, we assumed that was the feeding damage tha duDe had forseen. We could all only shake our heads in disbelief as t$ uttered, "I love this place." Unfortunately, the day ended with tha duDe megless, but as he optimistically put it, there's always next week. And how did we finish off our day? Taco Bell, of course!
Location Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added5/3/2003


4 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth
4 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth





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