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A Last Minute Fossil Hunting Trip

Today was my wife's day. I had originally planned on staying home all day to watch kids, but it was such a nice day that she mentioned that I should go out after she got home. That thought stewed all day in my fossil soaked brain, and when she got home, I was READY to go! I'm still hunting spots that are productive after rain, and I've been itchin to get back out to Top Secret for weeks. We've had serious rain lately, and the spot would surely produce if no one had been there yet. I would have taken Roy and Ed there, but this place can't be hunted during normal business hours for liability reasons. So today, since I was already on non business time, I figured what the heck. A short drive and bike ride later, and I was there. To my complete amazement, there were no footprints! I salivated with anticipation. There would surely be something good out here. I had to work fast, though, because the sun was setting fast. I only had a little over an hour of light left to hunt a spot where I could easily spend 4 hours. I moved fast, and undoubtedly, I missed a lot of stuff, but I was right. There were teeth sticking out everywhere. I hated to see night fall, because there was 2/3 of the area left to hunt. I hit the spots most likely to harbor nice ones, but the best stuff is always in unlikely places. I'll hit this spot again in a few weeks. I'd like to hit it again sooner, but I've got plans for every evening this week, plus next saturday I'll be showing Miocene Marine Mammal Man the fosspitality. we'll have more rain soon, and the next time I go, I'll give myself more time to RACK!.
Location Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added4/12/2003

I found all this in an hour and a half! I can only imagine what I would have come back with had I hunted longer.

1 1/2" Great White Shark Tooth
1 1/2" Great White Shark Tooth
1 7/16" Broad Toothed Mako Shark Tooth
1 7/16" Broad Toothed Mako Shark Tooth





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