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Presidents Weekend Bay Trip

Went out for a cold walk on the beach with paleo scan. Found these at my favorite beach. Neither of use found lots of teeth but we found tons of bone - over 25 vertebra between the two of us. The few teeth that I did find were nice. The cow shark was found in a footprint that had unfortunately broken the root, but it was lying right there so was easy to notice and reattach. The hemmie has classic color. The squalodon molar is the find of the trip and the first molar from the bay that I get to keep for my own collection. My others were found as beach float that triggered a museum excavation and were donated. I've also attached two photos of "squalodon teeth" from the Calvert and Pungo River formations that are in approximate duplicated tooth positions. I leave it to the readers if they think that only 2 officially documented species of this animal are all that exist or if there are more out there.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added2/18/2007

Sizes: Hemmie - 1&7/16 inches, cow 15/16 inch and Squalodon molar 1&3/8 inches.
1,2,3,4 & 6 (from left to right) are from the Lee Creek mine. #1 is from the roadside spoil piles, the others from the Pungo formation. #'s 5 & 7 are from the calvert formation. Most likely zones 8 (#5) and 11 (#7).
1 & 3 (from left to right) are from the Lee Creek mine, Pungo formation. #'2 is from the Calvert formation; most likely zone 8.

My Best Day Ever (or Why Is That Guy Dancing on the Beach?)
My Best Day Ever (or Why Is That Guy Dancing on the Beach?)
A little bit of everyting from the bay!
A little bit of everyting from the bay!
High waters
High waters





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