Calvert Cliffs Fossil Hunt Feb. 6 2006Well, it had been months since my last trip to the Bay and with the pending snow storm in the afternoon and a nice low tide in the morning this was going to be a search and dash day trip. I went to my favorite beach and it was prime. Gravel everywhere, nice low tide and no one else in sight. The water was cloudy due to recent falls so that could be the only condition to complain about on this trip. I didn’t find a Meg but I did find a large, uncommon porpoise tooth in excellent condition and with awesome coloration. It’s probably my best one from the Bay yet. It’s bigger than a Eurhinodelphis but smaller than a Hadrodelphis so it’s some type of between'er.
This will be my last fossil trip until the trip to Lee Creek in March so I’ll just have to dig out from the snow and make this trip last until then.
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 552 |
Member | m4 |
Date Added | 2/6/2006 |
starting at top row two makos 1&15-16” each. Bottom row: 1&9/16” porpoise tooth, 7/8” porpoise ear bone, and 1” hemmie. |