July 2005 Chesapeake Bay Excursion - Day 2I was on much of the mega trip with m4 and fossilguy in July to the
Chesapeake region. I am happy to anounce that despite their best
efforts on the PAX, they did not tip over m4's boat. The collecting
spanned about 50 million years of geologic time which is why it is great
to be in this area. I live on the Chesapeake and can pratically pee on
cliffs of the Calvert Fm from my deck. As the fossil gods smile upon
me, I will post pics and descriptions of the enamel which comes my
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 490 |
Member | paleoscan |
Date Added | 7/23/2005 |
Site 4 finds |
Site 6 finds |
Site 7 finds |