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July 2005 Chesapeake Bay Excursion - Day 3

Day 3:

Site 7. This was a day spent on land. After 7 hours sleep (woo woo!!) we went to my favorite spot on the bay and found some teeth. Same spot that ditchweezil found his C-bay tooth at when he visited us yankees a few years ago. We were beat to the beach by a kayaker by just under 10 minutes and he found a nice small Chub not 20 feet from his pull in spot. I ended up with 2 small chubbies and fossilguy was down an agitated 0-3 in the Meg department. That didn’t last long. He was persistent and ended the drought with a partial Meg. But a Meg is a Meg and the dry streak was over. We also scanned a recent cliff collapse. Fossilguy got a vert in matrix and I located a roughly 2-foot section of baleen left lower jaw. Good shape too!

That afternoon we returned to the same spot with Paleoscan. He took the lead and found the best conditioned Meg of the trip, a flawless 2" chubbie. Fossilguy broke his dry streak for good with a nice 1.5" chubbie and another .5" chub posterior. I found a .5" chubbie posterior as well. Not bad. 6 complete "Meg" teeth from the same beach in a day for the group - and one that got away!!! I had the shamer tooth of this trip - a partial, double rooted squalodon - just the complete roots - no hint of enamel at all. I’m going to the have the squalodon expert look at this and get his opinion. It looks worn off to me, not broken, so kind of a neat find.

The non-fossil highlight of the day though was the Milfs that we spotted on jet skies as we got to the end of the beach. I could not resist breaking out some 1970’s bad porn background bee-bop music since it was three ladies and three fossil hunters on an otherwise deserted stretch of beach. Sounds like a great movie plot to me!! I was almost convinced something was going to happen when they went totally ga-ga as we showed them our finds but it was not to be. Only sharks teeth were was all that was revealed.

Day 4:

Well, we planned was to hit the beach again and then take the boat out. The will was strong but the body was weak.. After three days of little sleep and full days in the 90+degree weather and 90% humidity I was exhausted. We found small stuff on the beach, but no repeat performance of the previous day. We headed home at 1PM with our bounty and excited about our next chance to hunt. Maybe we’ll do this again next year!!!

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added7/24/2005

Some of the better finds made during the three trips to this site over two days. The porpoise teeth are cleaved right in half or they would be very cool finds. Ditto for the squalodon tooth which is my official shamer tooth of the trip. Man I wish that was whole…. Calvert Formation, Calvert County, Maryland
Another view.
The two best teeth for me this trip from this site. Chubentensis and a squalodon. Two of my favorite finds!!
Another view.

Fossil Squalodon Tooth
Fossil Squalodon Tooth
Pathologic Hemipristis tooth
Pathologic Hemipristis tooth





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