Choptank walkAround this time of year when the west winds come and go so frequently I start the choptank walk. Normaly a trip here may turn up a mako tooth, maybe a good hemi, and a few smaller teeth. Relitivly poor collecting conditions, fair at best. 1-31-09 the wind and tide were in my favor. The catch of the day was a beautiful dagger lower mako. I believe (Z17). The one just to the right of it is the same color. Im assuming from the same layer. The cliffs were sluffing off pretty bad but the weather was so cold everything was frozen solid. An artist would have alot of fun down here. To bad I cant draw.
So 10 mile walk=good day on the choptank
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 3224 |
Member | tonyholt |
Date Added | 2/24/2009 |
Beautiful beach |
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mako ground shot |
everything. No megs but thats very typical of this location. This is mako country |