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some weird stuff

Wednesday-Thursday last week I was soaking up the teeth from the low tide.(2) I was able to get a nice mako 2 1/8 .


 A pathological lower mako. Its the one with the serious hook on it. A nice cow, a couple ear bones.


A really weird bone. circular in shape. Very thin...No bone marrow visible on the underbelly...Odd.


The coolest thing was a very odd looking tooth I'm not sure what to call it yet. I'm thinking upper symphyseal. H. serra. I seriously need some other opinions on the Hubble shaped Hemi



Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added11/2/2008

Nice mako 2 1/8
This was pulled from the matrix between zone 10-11... Any idea what the circle shaped bone is? Looks like a gill more ten a turtle shell.
Patho tooth
Mystery tooth

lots of makos
lots of makos
Ok days
Ok days
First trip to the bay
First trip to the bay

- 11/2/2008
Reviewer : Chris from
Total Rating : 9
Tony could that mystery tooth be a patho snaggeltooth?? Nice mako. Content Quality : 9 of 10

Drool Quotient : 9 of 10

Picture Quality : 9 of 10
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do the funky hemi - 11/2/2008
Reviewer : Daryl from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Tony, that mystery tooth is definitely a patho upper hemi - cool! I like the lower cowshark too! Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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Nice finds - 11/2/2008
Reviewer : obsessed1 from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 9.667
Your mystery bone is the operculum or gill plate of a fish. The texture pattern is a dead giveaway. It is rare to find them that complete. Content Quality : 9 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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patho hemi? - 11/3/2008
Reviewer : Daryl from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 10
Tony, check out the pic of an upper hemi I found back in 2005 ( Scroll down about half way and you'll see the two hemi's I posted. One of them is somewhat similar to yours in that it is fairly symmetrical. You'rs is completely symmetrical and uch cooler. With all of the several thousands of hemi's I've found, I think these teeth are pathological and not a real positional - but that's my guess. Cool finds for the slim-pickin's conditions down at the beach these days! Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
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Nice finds!!! - 11/4/2008
Reviewer : sharktoothfan from Germany
Total Rating : 10
Hey, great finds! I would like to trade stuff like this with some collectors from the US. Unfortunately, I can´t seem to understand how I can contact a member of this forum ( either via email or via a personal message? ). If anyone is interested to trade rare European stuff with a German collector, please contact me! Best regards Stephan Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 10 of 10
VOTE! Agree  Disagree 





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